This Buttered Hot Chocolate Will Keep You Happy and Healthy

You guys, this is SO delicious. I mean it. And yes there is butter.

I have tried so many different hot cocoa variations over the years and this one has by far topped our list. My toddler became a little skeptical having tried so many recipes over this last year of his life, and there was no more cocoa left in his little cup after this one!

Yipeeeeeeee! #momwin

homemade buttered hot chocolate

I absolutely love how much he loves his little Peace mug I picked up at TJ Maxx last week. I couldn’t resist! 

My mind just went wild with all the shared moments we could have and of course cute pics we could take 🙂 They’re only little so long!

So let’s get to some hot cocoa making!

homemade buttered hot chocolate


Hot cocoa made from scratch is SO EASY and it’s so much better for you than the store-bought stuff. You get all the benefits of raw cacao – magnesium, iron, calcium, antioxidants, and it’s natural mood-boosting properties. Ain’t’ no packet gonna give you all that for under $1!

You also get to choose your sugar which is a huge plus. I will switch it up between organic cane sugar, coconut sugar, or turbinado sugar. Typically though, my favorite is cane. I’ll just add a bit less than the others since it’s so much sweeter.

With that said I am no saint, and sometimes when a packet is all you have on backup until the next grocery trip and your brain wants hot cocoa, go for the packet, my friend. I have. Pull a fast one and just comply. It’ll be ok.

Just don’t forget to add in the butter!


Now, if you’re not going to make a huge batch of hot cocoa in one setting, I recommend pre-mixing the dry ingredients, then adding in the liquid goodies once the milk has warmed. We usually have 6-8oz cups of hot cocoa, 3-4oz for the little man, so small batches are our thing. Otherwise, make the entire batch for all to enjoy.

VEGAN VERSION: Aaaaand if this floats your boat but you’re looking for a Vegan version, just simply use Vegan butter or try our Vegan Hot Cocoa we would make at our shop. It was always a hit!

TOPPING + FLAVOR IDEAS: Top with some whipped cream, our favorite organic Marshmallows, cacao nibs, chocolate chips, cinnamon, or add a drop of peppermint, wild orange, or even Lavender for a flavor kick! Head here for a quick, easy, and oh so yummy Vegan Whipped Cream.

Happy hot-cocoa-stash time,


Buttered Hot Cocoa to Make You Happy and Healthy